
Superloon is the answer to the question of what to do with this intriguing technology.

“A couple of years ago Piero Gandini showed me a new LED technology which consists of a ring of LEDs that send light sideways into the edge of a flat composite disc of translucent white material which, when lit, appears to be a flat white disc.

Superloon is the answer to the question of what to do with this intriguing technology. Mounting the disc on a gyroscopic axis allows the light to be directed in infinite directions, while the light it gives out is broad and diffused but can be dimmed to a soft glow.” Jasper Morrison 

It’s the moon archetype to inspire once again Jasper Morrison in his new floor lamp Superloon. An impressive flat disc placed on three stems and rotating 360°. Ideal as ambient light or reading lamp, its emission of the light is adjustable in intensity and temperature – from warm to very warm - thanks to the Warm Tone Dimming, activated through the optical sensor placed on one of the stems. 

source: press release


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Kapcsolódó cikkek

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Mandulavirágzás | Patricia Urquiola X Flos

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