Brick Award 2016

Átadták a Wienerberger Brick Award 2016 díjait. 



“When we talk about brick, people think that we talk about tradition. But in this competition, you can find many projects with an innovative approach, giving brick a new meaning and a new appearance. I think this is very important”, states Wang Shu, Pritzker Prize winner 2012 and jury member of the Wienerberger Brick Award 2014.

Cluster House, Zurich, Switzerland by Duplex Architekten © Johannes Marburg

For more than one decade now, Wienerberger AG has hosted the international “Wienerberger Brick Award” every two years, providing astage for excellent brick architecture and its architects. Wienerberger initiated the Brick Award for the first time in 2004 in order to put this natural building material into the spotlight, demonstrating how exciting, exceptional and modern architecture using brick can be.
The spectrum of applications ranges from building solutions using classic clay blocks, facing bricks and roof tiles to the creative application of clay pavers and ceramic façade panels.
Although Wienerberger is the host of the award, it is an independent award and the use of Wienerberger products is no decisive factor for participation. Over the last years, projects have been submitted from all over the world and nominations as well as winners have been chosen using a wide range of manufacturers and brick types in all colours and shapes. In a dialogue with you, architects and architecture fans as well as critics, we want to further strengthen the public focus on the aesthetic and functional aspects of this great building material.

Building 2226, Lustenau, Austria by Dietmar Eberle © Eduard Hueber

The jury and winners

The award comprises of different categories that are subject to slight change depending on the year and the development of trends and current topics. For the Brick Award 2016 the following categories have been awarded: Residential Use, Public Use, Re-Use, Urban Infill, and Special Solution.
A record number of over 600 projects worldwide were submitted for the Wienerberger Brick Award 2016. An independent pre-jury panel consisting of architecture critics and journalists had the challenging task to narrow down this number to a total of 50 projects split into the five categories that were then nominated for the award.
Subsequently, an international jury of renowned architects, who change with every award, selected the winners within the categories as well as a grand prize winner.

Termitary House, Vietnam by Tropical Space © Oki Hiroyuki
Among the jury members have been architects like Wang Shu, Pritzker prize winner of 2012, Laura Andreini, Mies van der Rohe 2015 finalist, and Rudolf Finsterwalder, Fritz Höger Grand Prize winner 2014, just to mention a few. See who is on the jury board of the Brick Award 2016.
Assessment criteria include innovative exterior and interior design, skilful use of brick, along with functionality, sustainability and energy efficiency. Special attention is also directed to how the building blends in with and positively influences the surroundings as well as to the general quality of architecture, the form and aesthetics as well as on innovative solutions and new approaches.

Auditorium AZ Kortrijk, Belgium by Dehullu Architecten © Dennis De Smet
The winners of the Wienerberger Brick Award are announced biannually at an award ceremony and presented, along with the 50 nominations in the accompanying ‘Brick’ book. Winning projects are endowed with price money and can be found all over the world. The first Wienerberger Brick Award in 2004 was won by Josef Pleskot in Czech Republic with his beautiful solution for a pedestrian passage in a castle park. In the following years the grand prizes went to Hungary, Germany, Liechtenstein, South Africa, Thailand and 2016 to Spain and Austria!
The winners of the Wienerberger Brick Award 2016 were announced on the 19th of May 2016. Find out who won the award!

The top 50 projects and the prize-winning buildings of the Wienerberger Brick Award are presented in the accompanying, elaborately designed architecture book called BRICK. The book gives people with an interest in architecture as well as experts an overview on current developments and trends in international brick architecture with its remarkable range of applications.

House 1014, Barcelona, Spain by HARQUITECTS © Adria Goula
The projects are presented in the book with comprehensive texts by international architecture journalists, fascinating pictures and informative plans. Additionally, you find an essay on current topics by renowned journalists and architects at the start of each category. The book series started in 2004 with the first Wienerberger Brick Award. The 7th edition, the “BRICK’16” book, is already out. Find out more about the book.

MarÌlia, Sao Paulo, Brazil by Super Lim„o © Maira Acayaba
Finally we want to express our thanks to everyone who has contributed to the success of the award, especially the pre-jury panel and the jury who always work very hard on coming to a fair decision and making the best selection. A big thank you also goes out to people creating architecture who continually put brick in a new context, give it a new significance and thus accomplish unique architectural achievements.

forrás: Wienerberger 


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