This year Bauhaus gets 100 years old. Come and get inspired from this interesting, unusual style and area!

Kezdődik:2019 Július 12. 10:00, Péntek
Végződik:2019 Július 12. 16:00, Péntek
Hely:Textil Suli
Cím:Kristóf tér



  • 10.00 -11.00 - Guided Tour on Ludwig Museum’s "Bauhaus100. Programm for the NOW" exhibition
  • ​11.00-12.00 - Individual lunch/brunch break + transfer to the studio (Tram nr. 2 to the station a Vigadó tér)
  • ​12.00 -12.15 - Small presentation about textiles and designers of Bauhaus area
  • ​12.15 -13.00 - Design in the taste of Bauhaus, preparation of the looms
  • ​13.00 -16.00 - Weaving - (in 3 hours you will be able to weave a 15 x 15 cm piece and learn every technique in the process. You have a possibility to design a bigger piece, in that case you can bye your frame and finish your design at home! + 3.500 Ft)


until 28 of JUNE 18.000 HUF
from 29 of JUNE 20.000 HUF

It includes the ticket of exhibition, the guided tour in english, all materials for weaving. The workshop will organized with minimum 6 person

Apply here.
