We invite curators, artistic groups and artists to submit proposals for exhibitions to be organized in an exhibition space of 1000 square meters in the Godot Institute for Contemporary Art - Budapest between 2020 and 2025.

Kezdődik:2019 Szeptember 15. 12:00, Vasárnap
Végződik:2019 Szeptember 15. 13:00, Vasárnap
Hely:Godot Kortárs Művészeti Intézet
Cím:Bartók Béla út 11.


Godot Gallery celebrates its 20th anniversary in 2019. This occasion will mark the opening of the Godot Institute of Contemporary Art with its exhibition area of 1000 square meters. Building on its independent status, the sole purpose of this private initiative is to provide space for artistic creativity, to allow for the free exchange of ideas and their genuine artistic realization.

Fore more information please click here
