Folytatódik a munka a Transmodern körül. A következő esemény Berlinben lesz április 28 és 29-én. 

Folytatódik a munka a Transmodern körül. A következő esemény Berlinben lesz április 28 és 29-én, az Utopias and Realisties: Socialist Modernism címre hallgat és a kelet-európai vizionárius építészetre, építészekre és építészeti utópiákra koncentrál.

Az eseményhez elkészítettek egy felhívást, hogy azok akiknek a témája érintheti a fórum tervezett programját azt bátorítsák a jelentkezésre, akár előadóként, akár hallgatóként.

A felhívás:

Utopias and Realities: Socialist Modernism – the next Transmodern event is to be held in the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin, Germany, 28-29 April 2016 as an international forum about Post-War architecture in Central and Eastern Europe.

The event

Utopias and Realities: Socialist Modernism is a two-day event series on 28-29 April 2016, which offers an opportunity for both professional researchers and architecture enthusiasts to present their research results, and international audience to find out more about how the era shaped our cities, society and consciousness.

The main aim of the program is to create a forum and provide a platform for starting new discussions and breaking the mental barriers behind which the amazing heritage of this era and region is still hidden. Besides the 20-30 minutes long presentations, the event will be enhanced by film screening, workshops and other programmes.

The event is organized by the Translations of Modernism (Transmodern) collective in partnership with the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.

Thematic focus

The main thematic focus of the Berlin meeting is ‘Utopias and Realities: Socialist Modernism’ – the architectural ideals, illusions, visions and visionaries of the Post-War decades in the region, and the scattered fragments of what was realised. The prophetic ideals of International Modernism undoubtedly left a deep impact on the thinking of the Socialist architect, but this worldview was also formed by a certain social responsibility, economic characteristics and political allusions. The forum aims to showcase the special characteristics of Central and Eastern European architecture, highlight its most interesting figures and features, and represent it as part of the international architectural discussion.

What we expect

20-30 minutes long lectures with visual presentations, held in English, connected to thematic focus of the event.

For application it is necessary to send
• a title and a summary of the chosen topic in ca 1000 characters
• the planned duration and the format of the visual presentation (PowerPoint or Prezi recommended)
• a brief CV
till 20 March 2016 to Dániel Kovács daniel.kovacs(at)

Concept supervision and finalisation of the program will be overseen by members of the Transmodern founding team: Attila Csóka architect, Szabolcs Molnár architect, Levente Polyák architect-urbanist, Dávid Smiló architect and Dániel Kovács art historian, program director of the Collegium Hungaricum Berlin.

All applicants will be contacted till 30 March 2016. Depending on the number of applications, participants will be supported with travel costs and accommodation funding.

All participants will be asked to give a lecture and participate in the debate with questions and comments related to 1-2 other lectures, based on the summaries.

About the project

Translations of Modernism, Transmodern in short was founded in 2014 with the aim of generating discussion and building a public platform for everyone interested in the collective history, culture and afterlife of Post-War architecture in the former Socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The founders of the initiative: architects, art historians, researchers of the region are convinced that the architectural heritage of the post socialist block is simply one and only in the term that it represents the post-war cultural, historical and economic circumstances of the countries in the region.

After several workshops and meetings in Brno, Cracow and Bratislava, the first Transmodern conference was held in Budapest, in October 2015, with the support of the International Visegrad Fund.

The founding partners of Transmodern are:
• 4AM Forum for Architecture and Media, Brno, Czech Republic;
• Archimera, Bratislava, Slovakia;
• Bęc Zmiana Foundation, Warsaw, Poland;
• Centrala, Warsaw, Poland;
• Hungarian Contemporary Architecture Centre, Budapest, Hungary;
• Malopolski Institut Kultury, Cracow, Poland.

The Berlin event is supported by Balassi Institute and the Hungarian Cultural Fund.

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